Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Shooting Star

Hey guys! Here's part of Chapter one for the new story I'm writing! It follows the story of how Kate and Star get their "powers," and takes place when they are about 13. I'm just guessing that in Angel they are about 16 or 17. I didn't want to write about Max or any of them, because we already know their story. So tell me what you think!

                                                 A Shooting Star
    "Uuhhgg," I moaned, opening my sticky eyelids to a sliver. My head throbbed and my vision was hazy. Where was I? The room smelled of disinfectant, like a doctor's office. Through my blurred vision, I could tell I was in a cage. I shut my eyes tight again, hoping this was all a dream. But I know it isn't. I groan again as I think about last night, trying to remember things. I remember walking home from the park with my best friend Kate, when some people in white coats jumped out and grabbed us. One of them injected me with something and everything went black from there.
    "Star? You awake?" Kate's soft voice whispered from somewhere next to me. I popped my eyes open again and sat up, clutching my head. Kate was in another cage right next to mine, her dark brown eyes full of confusion and worry.
    "Yeah," I murmured groggily.
    "What happened? Where are we?" She asks me nervously.
    "How should I know?!" I snap back. I can be nasty when I'm tired. I sigh. "Sorry," I say again, "I'm scared too." Kate nods. Let me introduce myself. My name's Star, you know, like a shooting star. I have bright blond hair and blue eyes. I've know Kate since second grade, when she moved next door to my family. She's asian, and I envy her beauty. We're both 13.
    "Star, wake up!" Kate tells me strictly, and I realize my eyes must have drifted closed again.
    "I feel so tired," I reply, eyelids drooping.
    "Me too. But we have to figure out where we are! Do you remember anything from last night, after they kidnapped us?" But I never get to answer, because suddenly the door bursts open and a middle-aged woman comes in. She's wearing a white coat. Her brown, shoulder length hair swishes while she walks.
    "Hello. My name is Jamie. Doctor Jamie. I bet you're wondering where you are. Well, no need to be scared, because we're here to help you. We're going to enhance you," she smiles sweetly at us. I share a terrified glance with Kate. Enhance us? What the heck did that mean?
    "Enhance us how? And yeah, we are sort of wondering where we are, so it'd be great if you could tell us," Kate says as politely as she can.
    "You're in a lab. We're going to, um, well experiment on you. I know that may sound scary, but it's not. We'll give you powers. We can make you stronger, faster, anything you want!" Doctor Freak exclaims, a little to happy. God, this was a lot to take in after being injected with a needle and waking in up in cage!
    "But we don't want to be experimented on," I reply, fully awake now.
    "Hmm... maybe these will change your mind!"
    All of the sudden, more white coats are unlocking our cages and leading us to the front of the room. I gasp in awe when I see the pictures. They are pictures of kids, normal looking kids appearing to also be enhanced. One of them is a cute little boy, but he has fur on his face and claws for hands. A lot of the pictures are scary, dreadful creatures, with tails and ears and peeling, scaly skin. I feel Kate's anxious eyes gazing at me.
    "Um, I'd rather not have scales or horns. But thanks for the offer," I tell Doctor Jamie. She just laughs and shakes her head. Then, she pulls out more photographs, and I nearly faint. "These children are one of the most successful experiments we've had so far. They were created in another lab in Death Valley, California." I glance at Kate to see her eyes full of dread and awe at the same time. They look so normal, except for the fact that they have huge, beautiful, freaking wings! Wings! Who would've thought that even professional scientists could put wings on someone! There are six of them. There's a date on all of the photos that show they were takes a few years ago.
    "Where are they now?" Kate asks shakily. Doctor Jamie's smile turns into a scowl.
    "They escaped. We haven't been able to find them yet, but we will. We need to," she snaps in a cold voice.


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